Chiropodists provide medical treatment of nail and skin concerns, including nail care, corns and calluses to promote healthy, pain-free feet.
The ankles, knees, hips and lower back can all be affected if the feet are not functioning properly. Chiropodists play an important role in improving one’s musculoskeletal ailments.
Through orthopedic measures, foot pain can be alleviated as well as improve mobility.

A custom made orthotic is a prescribed corrective removable device that is placed in the shoes to hold the foot in the proper position to allow the joints, muscles and ligaments of your feet to function closer to their normal limits.
This allows the feet to gain biomechanical advantage and move the foot and lower leg more efficiently, therefore eliminating foot and lower leg pain and ailments, e.g. heel spur syndrome, bunions, callouses, shin splints, runner’s knee, etc.
Compression stockings can improve blood flow and help relieve the symptoms of varicose veins. Specially fitted, or graduated, compression stockings are tightest at the foot.
Compression socks are used to treat a wide range of medical conditions. Some of the most common medical reasons for wearing this special type of compression garment include lymphedema, edema, diabetes, pregnancy, surgery, deep vein thrombosis and sports injuries.